1) It is absolutely appropriate to hoot, holler, cat call and yell. In fact, it is encouraged. The performer feeds directly off of the audience reaction. It's hard to keep your energy up on stage when it's crickets in the house.
2) It is never appropriate to touch the performer unsolicited. There may be times a performer will take your hand, or have you remove a glove for them...but don't take this task upon yourself. And if you do touch the performer, expect to be expelled forcibly from the venue.
3) Drinking is a good thing...in doses. No performer appreciates some over-indulgent audience member becoming a jackass.
4) No. You may not keep that discarded glove that landed in your lap.
5) Tipping the performers vary based on the venue and the performers themselves. If tipping IS involved at a show, leave the money on the edge of the stage so as not to interrupt the performer during their routine. Many hours of costuming and choreography went into it...don't ruin it by expecting them to drop what they've been rehearsing just to take a dollar out of your hand.
6) Come with an open mind and a sense of humor. Expect both to be tested.
7) You will see all walks of life both on stage and off. Be respectful to both the performers on stage as well as the audience members.
8) No. You will not be getting a lap dance.
9) Show tickets can be expensive. Frequently props and costumes for just one number can run the girls anywhere from $200-$500...so consider a $25 ticket a bargain.
10) If you heckle the MC, expect to be heckled back. They are quick and witty and have tongues as sharp as blades. You will NOT win that exchange.
11) Be open to the possibility that a show will change your views on women, beauty and social issues.
Bottom line - Until you've experienced a good burlesque show, don't assume you know what you're getting into. Some people leave after two numbers in. Others leave with their cheeks hurting from smiling and laughter. And a select few leave with a life-changing experience under their belts. Which one will you be?