Friday, February 12, 2016

Good Gawd I'm Lucky

The scramble of a burlesque performer's life generally revolves around securing enough bookings to pay for their costuming.  Straight up.  A lucky few break even.  A smaller percentage make a little extra pocket money after that debt is paid.  The tiniest percentage earn a living at it, and at it alone.  I'm somewhere in between the last two.  I'm always in the black, and can afford some niceties. If I never wanted to see my husband, I could likely do it full time and earn a decent living.  But that was never my goal.  I always knew I wanted to form a troupe, choreograph incredible group numbers, teach workshops, mentor my cast members, and produce.  The performing is nice and all, but a body can only take so much.  As I embark on my final year on stage (unless I'm offered some sort of ridiculous amount of money), I reflect on what a whirlwind my performing career has been. I've performed in bars, drag clubs, breweries, event venues, hotel ballrooms, museums, church halls, dance studios, concert halls and even an arena. I've met and shared the stage with countless incredible performers, and have been in awe of their talent, their indelible spirits, and their love.  This life has garnered friendships that I would never have had otherwise, and for that I am ridiculously grateful.  Here's a big secret:  I owe a TON of my success to just a few specific things:

1) Treating it like a business at all times, and at all costs.
2) Having an INCREDIBLY supportive husband and family.
3) Being fronted by AMAZING women and men that work their asses off for me both on stage as well as off.

Yes.  I said it.  Live Nation.  In 2012 I fielded a phone call from the then manager at Bogart's Karen Foley.  She wanted to book my little troupe at the historic venue.  I was thrilled, and also filled with trepidation.  That stage has hosted U2, The Red Hot Chili Peppers... COUNTLESS iconic bands and performers.  But the last time I had been in the venue was in 1995.  I remember it being dark, sticky, and a little run down.  She assured me that Live Nation had picked up the venue, and that big changes were happening.  She took a gamble on us, and we reciprocated.  And boy, was she right.  The venue got a face lift, as well as the surrounding area. I can't tell you what an incredible gift it has been for my company.  We are INCREDIBLY lucky to work with such a great staff...everyone from management, to tech, to box office.  It has given us a venue with a stage large enough to support or big group productions, and enough seating to accommodate shows up to 500 folks.  It's allowed us to properly film our productions.  Thanks to our videographer Justin Nieves, we have polished, lovely film out in the world to promote.  Our YouTube channel has seen over 1 million views in the last year alone.  Thanks to Live Nation, we've also been picked up by our incredible sponsors over at Hustler Hollywood.  We've been SO excited to see the company expanding the brand, particularly reaching out to women, which has always been our M.O.  The exposure we've received by working with Live Nation has made booking a breeze.  I've always had the mindset that if you do good work, the bookings will come to you.  You don't have to go out and hound venues and producers for them.  This has certainly been the case for us.  It has been SUCH a gift.

As I sit here typing this I'm blathering like an idiot.  We've booked more gigs this year already than we did our first three years in existence.  I've booked three gigs in the last two days alone...all of which have come to us.  I've met incredible movers and shakers all over the Queen owners, big wigs, head honchos...but I'm most grateful for meeting our incredible fans that I am lucky enough to get to meet.  You folks have absolutely no idea how much our interactions stick with me.  Your cards, your letters, your pictures, your hugs and kisses, and your stories of how much our shows and workshops have meant to you.  How they've empowered you.  How you've met your "tribe" with us.  How you view your body, and other people's bodies.  I am so so thankful.  It is so much more than I could ever deserve.
