Thursday, March 6, 2014

I am ridiculously bad at being hip.

Amongst certain crowds and certain areas, I'm recognizable around town.  It's the hair.  If I wore a wig or a hat no one would know who the hell I was. As it is, I can rarely even go to the damn grocery store without someone doing the raised eyebrows in recognition or yelling "Ginger!" at the top of their lungs.  The problem with this is that I'm an introvert.  I hate crowds, and dealing with a conversation of more than 2 or 3 people makes me nuts.  I'm more of a "see" than "be seen" girl.  I don't usually hang out at the trendy spots in town, and when I do I frequently regret it.  I enjoy people watching, but I'm much more of a one-on-one long as the person I'm with doesn't feel like THEY need to "be seen", then we're all good.  I'm constantly being pushed by my girls to get out and network more.  But I see some of these social climbers that are at every effing event, with 87 photobooth pictures at said event, 22 selfies posted on their Instagram, and tagging themselves and every other person they know at the location.  I just feels shallow and forced and a little strange to me. I don't know if it's my age or just my personality that causes me to cringe at this.  I just would rather be at some empty bar with a few people that I love and adore and not a camera (or phone for that matter) in sight. Otherwise it starts to feel like work...and I don't work for free.


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