Thursday, February 27, 2014


Ok.  I get taking a selfie every once in a blue moon....Your hair looks exceptionally awesome, you love your new outfit, the place you're at is amazing, etc.  Ok.  I can certainly live with that.  But taking 3-4 pictures of yourself (Well...POSTING 3-4 pictures of yourself.  I have to assume you took WAY more than that and just posted the "good" ones.) DAILY?  "Here I am in my bathroom!"  "Here I am in my car!" "Here I am at the grocery store!"  "Here I am in bed!"  SERIOUSLY?  I just don't get it.  Are you that self-absorbed that you think everyone wants to know what you're doing every 4 hours?  Or are you that insecure and you're hoping people will comment on how great you look?  Which is it?  I just can't think of any other reason other than those two.  I'm not saying there isn't one...but I sure as shit can't think of it.  And I'm guessing that if you have another reason for's still one of the two reasons I gave is the underlying issue.   But I think this goes back once again to the culture we're creating.  We are so far beyond self-absorbed that it's getting ridiculous.  We are in a "see and be seen" decade.  Why must we always make it about US?  For example...Some of my troupe and I were at a fundraiser recently for an individual that is winning an award BECAUSE of the fundraising they do for the local community. During the event, the Emcee recognized us and wanted to call us up on stage to introduce us.  Instead, we demurred.  We were NOT there to be recognized or to self-promote.  We were there to support an OUTSTANDING member of the community whom we adore.  It wasn't about us.  But I feel that's lost on most people.  It seems anymore that we won't go somewhere or do something unless we're going to be recognized in some way for it.  Listen, selfie-overload folks...We ALL do pretty much the same shit from day to day.  Some of us get to do more unusal stuff from day to day, and some don't.  But in general, no one cares about your selfies.  They're all too busy posing in front of their own cameras to care about what you're posting.


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